Enter The Pioneer Woman Magazine Caption Contest at Thepioneerwoman.com/captioncontest or Thepioneerwomanmagazine.com/captioncontest page and try your luck to win a grand prize of $500 in the form of Check and Runners-Up will receive $50 in check.
The Pioneer Woman Magazine Caption Contest
How to Participate: To join Pioneer Woman Magazine Contest, candidates needs to visit online entry page and follow on-screen instructions to complete online entry including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and an original funny or clever caption for this photo that appears in the Holiday 2024 issue of The Pioneer Woman Magazine. You also can enter in The Pioneer Woman Magazine Survey and The Pioneer Woman Magazine Giveaways.
Eligibility: The Thepioneerwomanmagazine.com Contest is only open to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec), who have reached the age of majority in their state or territory of residence at time of entry.
Who’s Sponsor: The Pioneer Captain Contest is sponsored by Hearst Magazine Media Inc. and/or its joint venture partners, 300 W. 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.
Duration: The Pioneer Woman Caption Contest begins on October 25, 2024 at 12:01 AM (ET) and ends on December 6, 2024 at 11:59 PM (ET).
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Pioneer Woman Caption Contest Winner Drawing & Prizes:
(1) Grand Prize Winner:
- $500 Check
(3) Runners-Up Prize Winners:
- $50 Check
Winner Drawing:
- The Winner will be notified within one (1) month of the last day of the Contest, via e-mail, and/or at Sponsor’s discretion, via phone or postal mail.
Lasso it up!!
“These boots are made for baking and that’s just what they’ll do”
Get along little doggie
I only have ears for you
Where is Santa I don’t see him ho ho ho
If I only had my boots On when I went out to play today !!
All I want for Christmas is Alex and Paige home….
Beyond the big blue horizon
whaf’s going on, am waiting
Hang in there, God’s got this
Watch out Ladd, I’m coming for you next!
“Welcome to my frontier kitchen”
” Rollin,rollin,rollin down the hay rolls . “
Spring training Rees style
This ain’t my first rodeo.
I got this!
Don’t worry, I’m just checking that the” merc”handise is in the bag !
All I ever get is dog food. One taste of what you are cooking would not kill me.
Just roping the wind cause I’ll never hit the mark in these shoes! If I get lucky these steaks are gonna be tuff!
You can’t take the country out of the girl!
You gotta have the boots and the hat to throw the rope.
I’d rather be in the kitchen!
Anything he can do, I can do better.
I know you think I’m just aiming for the fake cow over younder but really my attentions are farther then you think!!
Anything cowboys can do a cowgirl can do.
Ree, this steer needs some of your good cooking to fatten him up…
But those shoes have got to go, girl. Boots are not made for just walkin’
Let a pro in wedges show you how it is done!
Another Christmas in the trenches
T-Bones on the grill tonight!
Ree practicing catching a man!
Real Cowgirls don’t always wear boots
Just as this lasso will capture the bull, my recipes will capture your heart.
Steer clear I’ve got this!
OK boys I’ve got this one!
A woman’s work is never done!!
This ones not going to get away.
You’ve run the meat right off your frame. Let’s take you up to the Lodge and fatten you up !
The Cook working on her Cowgirl
Well, for goodness sake; this ain’t so hard!
A redhead always hit the mark!
It shouldn’t be this hard to sign up for the Caption contest. I’ve tried 6 times already.
I don’t need this, I already got Ladd
Getting ready to lasso my man (Ladd
“Look out Charlie, you’re next”
Wrong Shoes, Ree!
I can handle any range.
“Do it the cowgirl way “
I forgot my glasses but from here he looks a might skinny!! Won’t get many steaks for Ladd!
I LOVE Pioneer Women!!! Ree could you start a clothing line? I love all your tops and blouses!! Please!!
Yeehaw,,, Get back here I need some hamburger for my latest recipe….
Ber right back with food and cheer, once I rope up this big steer!
stear clear rees near!
Hey..I’m not just a one trick pony..I have skills!! 🙂
Honey watch this, I got this.. I got this.. ooops missed again. How about 3 out of 5?
cooking is not my only talent.
This is for Summer 2018 issue Caption Contest/Cowboy Josh’s dog! “Call me, I’m waiting.”
Love the magazine, especially the views of ranch life (interesting to this big city girl) and Ree’s Talk to Me! The entire magazine is delightful, I am a cradle subscriber and a frequent visitor to the Mercantile, always leaving with a very happy tummy!
for J0sh`s dog yo ho Josh my boy
Yo-Yo”Kahoma” (caption contest)
Good Dogs Wear White Hats (caption contest)
Keeping a Eye on you!
Yo….does this hat make my head look big!!!!
(Caption contest – May 23 thru June 26, 2018)
I’m the boss now!
Hey Josh, who’s the real cowboy here?
ready yet
Yeh, they know who the real boss is!
I’ll see you in Louisville, Kentucky the first Saturday in May!!!
Tell me about it, Stud!!!!!
You lookin at me? cause Im lookin at you!
Pst, got minute? Let’s talk.
“Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall in love with a GORGEOUS redhead!
Nay No Horsin around
I’m keeping an eye on you”
Hey now!
My Name is Bashful
Should I take a nip or shouldn’t I!!!!!!
Aw, do you really think I’m cute?
Calm and Beautiful
Just need a little space!!!!!
I’m not fat, just naturally fluffy.
Back home again in Indiana…
Caption Contest for picture of a cardinal on Ree’s ranch…
I’m waiting for my co-pilot to fly to Miami with me!
Loving my kitchen
Could not get to caption page (blocked on my computer)but here is my caption
“Time to play cooking with Ree.”
We got MILK
Flavors~ Flowers ???? & Fun by Dree
and here another cowboy approved dessert!
Don’t judge….with this skinny, doll bod i can indulge in all these goodies!
which way did that squirrel go,..
Ree Shows Me.
But, Momma you promised me a present!
I know it’s in there !!
“Where are the new treats? I really like the waffles!”
I hope I get lucky!
Someone forgot the doggie treats!
The cat’s in the bag!
Come out come out where ever you are!
I know I saw it in here somewhere.
(May 21 to July 2)
“Bagels…check, donuts… check, muffins… check, wait where are the doggie treats???????????????.”
I just simply love the reading all about the fun exciting things the Drummonds do on the ranch. You all make my day a bit happier{: thank you
caption for Charlie the dog with a hotdog costume on his back. Aug 21-Sept 13th. ” I Smell A Hotdog”
caption for Charlie the dog with a hotdog costume on his back. Aug 21-Sept 13th. ” I Smell A Hotdog” ” I wanna be a weiner Dog”
“Bun ready to run”
Love your magazine..Loved the cookbook section in the recent magazine. and in the last one I really enjoyed the bandanna section. I made a bandanna quilt. A wonderful magazine all around… Thank You..
contest page blocked, here is my caption
I ordered mustard and relish!!
Caption contest for the dog photo :
“Check out my buns”
“These are my kind of chaps”
“Meals on wheels”
I filled out the closed caption fields and no way to send it.
Nothing says where to send it from the entry page.
when I wrote my caption ” Just because I’m a cowboy it doesn’t mean we don’t need a manicure every now and than” it didn’t let me finish it so I couldn’t enter it again darn!
Here are the captions:
I could use a beer
Just another day in paradise
It’s a great day to be alive
Don’t I make it an awesome picture?
Say Cheese
don’t hate me because I’m beautiful
Enjoy your program on TV and the magazine which I read cover to cover.
Home on the Range
Please hold. Doing Math.
I’m crazy about your show, your recipes, your cookbooks, your magazine, your restaurant, the Merc, your guest house, your family … I guess you could say I love everything about the Pioneer Woman !! Loved visiting Pawhuska this summer too. It was a long drive from Pittsburgh, but worth it and I hope to come back again sometime soon!
Caption for Contest from October 25th to December 2nd. 1:Hey I’m ready lets get this show on the road. 2: Hi Beautiful lets TANGO.
Caption: “One, please, and make it to go!”
1. Aren’t I “Paw”fect
2. Just another one of those days
I look so purrrrrfectly classy!
“At the end of the day it’s just you and me kid .
Hey, cutie you want to dance?
These ears were made for walking!
I wish I could dance, but I have 2 left feet.
They call me Kitten Kitten, but I am really known as Queen of the Drummond Ranch.
My crown please.
It takes One, to know One!!!
Ain’t I purrrr-dee!
I say, “You’re never fully dressed without your jewels.”
Oh these old things I just threw them on!
Ya’ Dern right, it’s picture day!
Bead L Bailey
I’m Purrfectly gorgeous
I look so purrrrrfectly classy!
Cheessseeee, I am such a lady!
when are you picking the caption winner I cant wait to see who won beautiful cat
A small piece of heaven
LOVE your show Ree! My hubby and I watch your show every Saturday morning with breakfast….if we are not going to be home….we DVR it! He has actually been to see you at the Mercantile twice (making a side trip while he had business in Tulsa)…I was going along this June but all was postponed due to Covid…planning on next June! He brought me a beautiful top, autographed cookbooks, and many more momentos! I also enjoy using your cookware I purchased! Thanks for all the smiles and making my food taste better!:-)
It may not look like it but its heaven.
Family views
Endless possiblities
summer as far as the eye can see
“The Green Green Grass of Home”
” Sweet Luxury”
New Horizons!
A piece of Heaven!!!
My Frontier!
Gods Country!
Fresh air, sunshine & well worn wicker chair – clearly awesome!
Ride-em hound dog!
“ Ride Em Cowboy!”
Giddy up? How ’bout giddy off?
Get along little doggie!
8 seconds! I’ve only got to stay on for 8 seconds!
Giddy-Up Little Doggy! Ree I Love Your Magazine and Show! So many wonderful recipes and so much fun!! Thank You. We really need that at this time. Stay well and safe.
get along little doggies
Stop monkeying around Rusty and kick up your paws
Giddy up little doggie!!
Hang on partner, I only go one speed!
No bucking bronco here.
“Ruff night”
“Can’t be late for the Christmas Paw-ty!”
Good grief santa paws
Nailed it!
Santa Knose
I said Ho Ho Ho not nose!
Its beginning to smell a lot like Christmas
Santa paws 🐾
Up! Up! and Away!
So….going my way?
I hope when Ree sees me, she doesn’t think of chocolate grasshoppers!!
You said to not get wet, I’m muddy.
A little bit of vanilla dipped in chocolate
my feet Is the only thing I got dirty mom, I’m clean all over except that
Why no, I haven’t been walking in mud, why do you ask?
I promise…. I didnt get into the chocolate sauce
They call me Mr. Boots!
Oops, I forgot, I’m not a puppy anymore.
“Welcome to Paw”Mud”ska!”
Did someone call for SUPER-BOOTS!!
I told you to name me boots
like my new rain boots
I couldn’t find my shoes!
did someone call for super-boots
Look! I have matching shoes !
Don’t be a fuddy-duddy, it’s time to get muddy!
Boots On The Ground For America
Paw painting season is here
Hey,I forgot My Booties, Nobodys Perfect!”
Playing in the mud? No I wasn’t why do you ask?
Nobody said anything about the new driveway!
I’m taking five…😃
One leg at a time Ree,one leg at a time♥️
“Ree”naissance Woman”
Who won that caption contest?
There you are my pretty!
Merry Catmas!
Roll um Up, Move Um Out, Hay Hide!! Caption for Contest 2022
Oh Mom…why can’t I use your kitchen for dog snacks?
I’m ready for my close up Mr De Mill
The hay contest is already over. Where is the picture for June 2022
I would like to enter the summer caption contest in the summer edition of Pioneer Woman’s magazine. However, when I type in “thepioneerwoman.com/captioncontest, I get the last contest, not the summer one from May 26 – June 30th. Is it a computer glitch on my end or yours. I have tried several web sites and the correct summer contest will not come up.
0h my goodness – my crush my crush- she’s right there- do I look ok? Do I look in shape? Wwwooofff
ahhhh come on mom!!!
I need a pat on the head
Hey mom, howl about you paint me like one of your French girls!
There is a dog that sticks closer than a brother
Dog gone it…she said no!!!
6 legs are better then2
Perfect Posture!
For the one with Bryce putting the food on the counter.
“Put the food down and assume the position!”
Mom’s Wing Man
“3 Generations of Love” CAPTION
For the picture of deadline of 9/13/22
“All hands on Deck”
Bryce with ham. Is it done?
Go Home Team!
I will be on the look out for Santa
“In the ninth life of Christmas, my human gave to me….”
We are Family ~ i got my kitty and me
So are you coming or not
I’ve had a ruff day:(
Wait, you’re taking a photo…how do my ears look?