Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes 2017

A Free Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes is started by team to all our lover’s. This Giveaway is open to all legal residents of the 48 contiguous the United States andnd District of Columbia between the ages of 6 and 17 at the time of entry. All the participants needs to get your parent or legal guardian’s permission for entering.

Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes 2017 – Chance to Win Tickets to Broadway Musical

Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes

Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes is available on the Superfansweeps page which is started by the Nick Nickelodeon team. To enter in the giveaway, any interested and eligible candidates have to follow below steps. With this Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes, you can enjoy the free trip with your family and make your dreams fulfill.

Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes Details:

Eligibility: Legal resident of the United States and District of Columbia

Duration: 30 September 2017 to 23 October 2017

Prizes: One Grand Prize worth ARV $6,120.00
– Airfare for four to New York City
– Four tickets to the Broadway Musical
– A 3-day/2-night hotel stay
– $1,000 in spending money
– A SpongeBob Swag Bag

How to Participate:
1. Visit Giveaway Page and Read Rules and Read Terms and Conditions
2. Enter your Name, Email and Parents Name
3. Now click on “Enter” for further steps
4. Follow all steps
5. That’s it

After the Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes, the team will add the winner’s on their page. Our team also will add the name of the winner’s on this page.

Also, Participate: 94.9 Mix FM Contest 2017 – Participate and Chance to Win Big Prizes

Enjoy this Details with Our Team!!

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25 thoughts on “Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants Superfan Sweepstakes 2017”

  1. ppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pick me!!!!!!! IT WOULD BE MY DREAM COME TRU

  2. Hi I love spongebob and yeah, good luck everyone and I hope you win!!! Good luck I am rooting for every single person in this world to win and I just wanted to tell you all that!!! My main point is: GOOD LUCK AND GO FOR THE FUN AND/OR THE WIN!!!

  3. I want to win because I have a ton of friends and I can maybe do something super nice for them and take a friend with me to the broadway if I win!!! Also I want to say I am 9 years old but I still like it so spongebob squarepants is awesome!!! I want to treat my dear friends to something nice and yeah good luck everyone and hope you win!!!! I am rooting for each and everyone of you!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I really want to enter the contest because spongebob is my number one show and I really need a vacation

    because I am always in my house because there are kids that are not my age I get bullied and I really need a
    break from it and I get freakedout because the police always comes and I really really need a break from it.

  5. please let me win i am 11 years old and i been watching Nickeloden it is my dream go i live in Florida and hope i win thxs for your time
    p.s. sponge bob is my faverit show

  6. I have only been watching sponge Bob so long but the reason I want to win is to see my favorite TV star in the whole world sponge Bob square pants I wold also love to see the Broadway musical I always get the song’s you play on the show stuck in my head some people who want to enter don’t care about sponge Bob they just want the money and to go to New york I want to see the musical.I love sponge Bob and really really am.a super fan

  7. i am in love with it. SpongebobSquarepants is so good,it has won best cartoon for a lot.This could have me very joyous.I have always wanted to meet the hero(Spongebob) who has shaped me as from a normal,regular person into a funny,person-loving,whacky,spongebob all knower fan.The other stuff are great,but seeing the musical can shape me from my rough day.I haven’t seen music that can bring me back up,spongbob the musical will help me have my spongbob loving heart again.I have a valintine spongbob,spongebob lamp,and your funny cartoons that will be in my mind and heart forver and it will be pased on by generation.


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